The WV EMS Coalition would like to thank our current members for their support. Our efforts and accomplishments would not be possible without you.
To the EMS agencies that have been reluctant to join, we encourage you to reflect on our work and successes over the past year and consider membership. The increased Medicaid reimbursement secured in part by our efforts far exceeds the dues for most agencies.
Working together as an industry, our voice can be loud and powerful — but not without the help of every agency. We encourage you to become more involved with our organization through membership and participation and be part of a unified voice advocating for Emergency Medical Services across West Virginia.
If your agency is not currently a member of the West Virginia EMS Coalition and would like to join, please fill out our membership application.
We want the WV EMS Coalition to be an inclusive organization with active participation from every agency across West Virginia from those with one ambulance to those with 30 or more units. We have attempted to structure our dues in a manner that is both affordable and provides value to every member regardless of size.
If you have any questions about membership or how you can become actively involved with the organization, please do not hesitate to contact any of our Board Members.